Welcome, everyone! I finally did it! I launched meldoodles.com, and now there is a lovely hub for you all to visit to see all the merchandise and everything new going on with Meldoodles. I am more excited than nervous about the launch because now I feel that the floodgates are open and anything is possible. I want to explore many things that I have attempted throughout the years but have not stuck to, like my YouTube channel. Have you seen that?
There was always a reason why that never really took off. I either did not have the camera equipment to make decent videos or the time to make and edit them, but at the end of the day, the one thing that held me back was the confidence to create interesting content that would keep your attention.

I have had so many ideas and things I wanted to make content about, and then I see others doing it and get frustrated that I could have done it if I just put my mind to it. But that is regret, and we are not here for that. We are in the here and now and going to make moves. First off, as a person who has been independently traveling for many years, showing my brand to parts of the world, and recently partnering with "Brooklyn Kaiju," I have been making it to towns up and down the East Coast. With all those years of experience and knowledge of trying to make this business work, I have to say, I know a WHOLE bunch about it. So for those who are interested in all the back-end shenanigans, I guess hang around, and you shall see.
Melanie C